Monday, July 2, 2012

Learning Outcomes

My professional goals after I graduate with a MAED in education is to teach preschool or run my own daycare center.  I think that the younger years in schooling, such as preschool, are the most crucial to a child’s educational career. This is the time when a teacher can make the biggest impression on a child.  This first experience lays the path for how a child feels about education. The learning objectives that I believe would be beneficial to a preschooler’s experience are as follows:

Learning Outcomes, Test and Essay Items: Preschool

1. The child will show a basic knowledge of colors and shapes by identifying their qualities, sorting and recognition. Build on math skills.

Test Item: Place 3 items in front of child those are colored-red, blue, and yellow. Have child identify each color.
Test Item: Place 3 items in front of child that are shapes- circle, triangle, and square. Have child identify each shape.
Test Item: Have child draw and color each shape. Circle-red, Triangle-blue, Square-yellow.
Essay Item: Ask child how some of these shapes are used. Example: Circle-wheel, Triangle-instrument, Square-box.

2. The child will be able to recall certain facts, sequence, and recognition of characters in a story. Build on literacy skills.

Read Story: Where the Wild Things Are
Test Item: Hold up card board main characters and ask child to name each one.
Test Item: Have square pictures with a scene on them and ask the children to place them in sequential order.
Test Item: Where did the boy go on his trip? And why?
Essay Item: Ask the children their favorite part of the story and to draw a picture of it.

3. The children will be able to show knowledge of how things grow and evolve. Watching a butterfly transform. Build on science skills.

Test Item: Set up the butterfly hut. Ask children what does the caterpillar need to live? His butterfly hut, leaves to eat and sticks to climb on.
Test Item: Observe the caterpillar building its cocoon. Ask the children what happens when he is inside his cocoon.
Test Item: the butterfly has hatched. What does it look like? Draw a picture of a butterfly using many colors.
Essay Item: Color and name each stage of the butterfly changing on pre-printed ditto- caterpillar to cocoon to butterfly.

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