Thursday, July 5, 2012

I think when creating these test and essay items, they were especially difficult because of the age group of children I have chosen. The children are too young to actually create a true/false or multiple choice tests. Therefore, I had to create questions that would cause them to think but still stay on their grade level. I had to make sure that I “matched my test items to intended outcomes” which I believe that I did. And I made sure that “each item deals with an important aspect of the content area” (Kubiszyn, 2010).When choosing the essay items, it was also difficult because the students at this age cannot write passages. I had to choose essay items that would cause the student to “organize, integrate, and synthesize knowledge, to use information to solve novel problems, or to be original and innovative to problem solving” (Kubiszyn, 2010). I wanted to make sure that I peeked their interest but not overwhelm them due to their age and capabilities.

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